Il Pumo - Apulian Rooms
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So much beauty in a single place.


he impressive expanse of trulli of Alberobello was recognized as a World Heritage Site in 1996 and awarded the Orange Flag by the Italian Touring Club by virtue of the excellent accommodation offer and architectural harmony. Winding alleys and characteristic squares intertwine in the Rione Monti, where the "Siamese trulli" stand out, with their original two-cone roof, the Church of Sant'Antonio and the Trullo Sovrano.

Do not miss the Territory Museum, housed in a complex of communicating trulli, and the Casa d'Amore, today a precious tourist information point, the first building in the entire town built with lime and mortar.


One of the most beautiful and evocative places in the city.

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Shopping or a dive into Bari’s traditions?

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Sometimes eyes aren’t enough.

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A cliff in the sea with a sky “Blu dipinto di blu”.

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A marvel in the rock.

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